Category Archives: Windows OS
Ping Multiple Hosts with PowerShell and Return Useful Information
A lot of our time in IT is spent making sure systems are up and running. Most times our first test when troubleshooting an issue is to perform a PING command. For that reason I have created the script below which in essence just performs the Test-Connection cmdlet. This script only provides me the useful information that I want […]
More InfoCopy Group Memberships from one user to another
Have you ever found yourself needing to copy 1 user’s group memberships to another user in order to make sure both had identical permissions needed for their daily job? I’ve had to do this far more times than I’d like to count. Typically it’s easiest to do this upon creation of the new user’s account […]
More InfoFind CD Drive Letter(s)
I was presented with an issue the other day where I needed to mount an ISO to a VM, then run a program which was housed on that CD Drive. I could not find a central, easy way using PowerShell to find what the letter the CD Drive was so I decided I would create […]
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