Category Archives: PowerShell
Connect to Multiple vCenter Servers with Password File
I’ve been getting tired lately of having to use the “get-credential” cmdlet in Powershell when I want to connect to various items. Thanks fully after some research I came across a cmdlet that is provided as part of the PowerCLI Toolkit. Thanks to Chris Nakagaki ( for originally posting about this a year ago. I […]
More InfoCopy Group Memberships from one user to another
Have you ever found yourself needing to copy 1 user’s group memberships to another user in order to make sure both had identical permissions needed for their daily job? I’ve had to do this far more times than I’d like to count. Typically it’s easiest to do this upon creation of the new user’s account […]
More InfoBrowse for File to POSH Variable
After many months of getting tired of typing in an entire directory path when using the “Read-Host” command to import a text file or CSV file I went looking for commands to present a popup box to let me browse for a file, then have that file’s path be presented to a variable. This example […]
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