Recently I found myself involved with a new company helping them with an Active Directory migration. Their plan is to converge separate forests into one new forest. Since I was new to the environment I wanted to really get a better understanding of what I was dealing with. With this I opened my trusty PowerShell script editor and began working out a few scripts to help understand these new environments.
When dealing with an Active Directory migration you really want to get a true grasp of where all of the important objects are, to me important objects are Users (including service accounts), Contacts, and Groups. Over time Active Directory Domains can become quite messy and convoluted ending up with numerous OUs which really have no true purpose any longer, yet no one deleted them. The script below helps you traverse through the muck and find the truly important OUs based on the important objects I’ve defined.
The script below does the following:
- Connects to the Active Directory domain(s) you specify
- Queries for all OrganizationalUnits within that domain
- Queries for all AD Objects within each OrganizationalUnit
- Creates 3 variables based on the query stated in step 3. ($users, $groups, $contacts)
- Defines the output data for each OU
- Counts the number of Users, Contacts, or Groups within the current OU
- Adds the content to the arrayed variable of $output
- After rolling through all OUs and all Domains the $output file is exported in CSV format to $OutFile defined in the params.
function Get-OUWithObjects { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to get all OUs that contain Users, Groups, or Contacts. .DESCRIPTION This function requires Quest ActiveRoles AD Management to be installed. The purpose of this script is to go out and find any and all OrganizationalUnits which contain Users, Groups, or Contacts. It performs a count on each type of object and prints them to a CSV File. This is a useful tool for any Admin getting ready to perform an Active Directory migration in order to better understand the existing environment. This script does not require and special privelages in order to run as you're only reading from Active Directory. .PARAMETER Domains This allows you to input as many domains as you'd like to scan against. (ex. -Domains "domain1","domain2","domain3" ) .PARAMETER OutFile This specifies the directory path and file name for the CSV output. (ex. -Outfile c:temp.csv) .NOTES Name: Get-OUWithObjects.ps1 Author: Josh Schofield DateCreated: 12/28/2012 .LINK .EXAMPLE Get-OUWithObjects -Domains "Domain1","Domain2" -OutFile "C:\temptest.csv" #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Domains, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$OutFile ) if ((Get-PSSnapin -Registered| where {$ -eq "quest.activeroles.admanagement"}) -eq $null){Write-Error "Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement NOT Installed"} else { Get-PSSnapin -Registered| where {$ -eq "quest.activeroles.admanagement"} | Add-PSSnapin | Out-Null if ((test-path $OutFile) -eq "True"){del $OutFile} $output = @() foreach ($domain in $domains) { Connect-QADService $domain Get-QADObject -Type "organizationalunit" -IncludedProperties name,type,parentcontainer,dn -SizeLimit 0| %{ $ouname = $ $parentcontainer = $_.parentcontainer $adobjects = get-qadobject -SearchRoot $_.dn -SearchScope OneLevel -IncludedProperties type,name -SizeLimit 0 | where {(($_.type -eq "contact") -or ($_.type -eq "user") -or ($_.type -eq "group"))} $users = $adobjects | where {$_.type -eq "user"} $groups = $adobjects | where {$_.type -eq "group"} $contacts = $adobjects | where {$_.type -eq "contact"} $results = "" | Select Domain, Name, UserCount, GroupCount, ContactCount, ParentContainer $results.Domain = $domain $results.Name = $ouname $results.ParentContainer = $parentcontainer if ($users -ne $null) { $results.UserCount = $users.count } #End of User Check if ($groups -ne $null) { $results.GroupCount = $groups.count } #End of User Check if ($contacts -ne $null) { $results.ContactCount = $contacts.count } #End of User Check $output += $results Clear-Variable $results -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Clear-Variable $ouname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Clear-Variable $parentcontainer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $adobjects = $null $users = $null $groups = $null $contacts = $null } #End of Get QADObject OU } $output | Export-Csv $OutFile -NoTypeInformation }}